

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Do something meaningful...

Was challenged on Sunday - to say sorry, ask for forgiveness.

I did, and it made a difference, if not to me, to the person I offended.

If you're looking for something to do, stop reading this and go and fix a bridge that's broken. (then come back and comment - preferably a long-winded one, extolling my virtues - if you need help, I can draft up one for you, or send you a list of my best features in point form).

Gotta go, being busted for being on the computer too long.


Laura T said...

I think I love your humility the most my love ;)

Jill said...

Don't stop blogging Joe. We need your warmth, honesty and sense of humour.

JOe said...

shucks Jill, you sure know how to keep a guy bloggin