

Thursday, June 17, 2004

fish and peanuts are not a good combo

if you didnt realise that, then you have more problems than me.

stayed tuned for more inane writings.




JOe said...

why dotn you people read this huh?

what, you think that i have to *promote* this... people, its gold... you shoudl be shouting it from the rooftops, spammming all with link to here... but sadly no. i continue on in obscurity, in my own private hell.

Jason Au said...

Wow, you got spam entries from 1 post?

Hint - I believe blogger has an option to enable one of those Captcha checks to stop spambots.

Jason Au

Laura T said...

Don't fish and and peanuts go together well in Thai food..

JOe said...

Jase - i figured out how to delete the spam - yae for me!

Laura - its not nice to poke holes in one's blog. For the purposes of this blog, the comment stands

Laura T said...

I was just saying...