

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Think you're indestructable?

have a look at these vids... these guys are amazing... makes you want to do crazy things... (you'll need a fast connection)

And the real bikes

youtube is your friend...

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Black Elixir of the Gods

It all started a few years ago.

The company where I work, they give us lunch each day (I know, I know, I am spoilt). They put out a spread, meat, some salad etc and you make your own sambo. It was good.

So, a few years ago we got a special treat - Coke. One day in the fridge there is a tray of Coke. Of course we all went a bit silly, as we didnt know how long it would last. By the end of the week as the tray of coke was being replaced, we realised it was a magical endless supply of coke. It was very good.

Soon it became the norm to have a can of coke a day with lunch, if you had a really bad day one in the morning one in the evening - but that was a rare event. Now, I'm not saying I'm an addict or anything, but if I didn't get my Coke a day, I was a surly man. (moreso than usual). Keep in mind, I dont drink coffee so this is my caffine hit for the day.

Anyway, the sad day came, when we lost out magical supply... and I went through the 7 stages of withdrawl. The nightsweats were the worst. But to cut a long story short, I survived.

But then it happened again last month. The magic supply started! The resolve was not to become dependant again, but within a week, I was an addict again. The world seemed more colourful, roses smelled more beautiful... I dont care if I am addicted, it makes me happy. Its all good.

But in the cruelest twist of fate, as my addictinon grew tendrils into my very being, this is what I saw...
The gods are mocking me. An empty fridge, deviod of coke. Why O why am I tormented like this? Surely my life is nothing more than a joke.... (At this point in time, I'd like to point out that the addiction is not strong enough that I would shell out money to buy a can of coke - that's just silly). Anyway, back to the lamenting - there is a world without coke, and it is a sad world people.
So as I am wondering around the office, surly JOe is back... life is a pack of festering boils or as Laura says 'life's just a big barrel of acid'. I know I should be trying to get over this love affair with Coke - but its soooo good. So as we (the rest of the boys at work) are trying to figure out how we can live in a coke devoid world, the gods look down and smile... they see the tortured soul and relent.

The pallet of coke is back. How lovely is that sight! My love affair will continue - they know how to keep the workers happy all it takes is that beautifull black liquid - the gift of the gods... Coke!

So the world is back on its normal course. There is coke, in the fridge. I can blog again.

Life is good.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Do something meaningful...

Was challenged on Sunday - to say sorry, ask for forgiveness.

I did, and it made a difference, if not to me, to the person I offended.

If you're looking for something to do, stop reading this and go and fix a bridge that's broken. (then come back and comment - preferably a long-winded one, extolling my virtues - if you need help, I can draft up one for you, or send you a list of my best features in point form).

Gotta go, being busted for being on the computer too long.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Can't Sleep

Why is it, when you just want to sleep all you do is toss and turn and wake up? God is a practical joker.


OK. Maybe that was a little of an over-exaggeration (not that I am prone to it). I know its stupid, but how cool would it be if you had a little off switch for the brain. *click* and you're in the land of nod.

Not me. 3am the brain alarm went off. And what for? I think it was to think about what to do for mum 60th bday later this year. Yeah - that's what I want to do at 3am.

back to sleep.

Bam! 5am. Friggin 5am! Brain alarm decides that my arm is uncomfortable. Like I care. I'm alseep! Why does it matter that I have a slightly uncomfortable arm? OK. So I am up - to early to get up yet that awful if I go back to sleep then there's not really much good sleep left in the day.

Back to bed. Weird dream - cant remember what it was, but you have that feeling it was weird. The weird where you go, 'man if I was on drugs, that dream would seem sane (the kinda sane where the giant blue poodle is taking A piece of bread for a walk cause it didn't wash the dishes last night)', but in my non-drug induced sleep, it was just strange.

7am. Give up and hope of enojying the bed. It is warm though. Well, at least I can post something this morn. What a great start to the day. Yae me.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Its where I live. Its what I like. Temporary, yet not.


Came home early today after a busy peroid at work. How good is it to have a space where you can be you. A sanctuary from the world that wants a piece of you - that always wants more. Where else can you be you utterly and completely?

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Having one of those days...

I have had one of those weeks... nothing you seem to do at work makes a difference no matter how hard you work... just maybe someone would see it and say 'thanks'. But hey, its not all about the thanks... sometimes we just get to be mashed into the ground. I am sure its character building or something like that...

But really, I'm not too fussed, I am lucky to be able to leave work at work, and there is so much more to life. Like funny cartoons that make you smile - peeing in the shower (you know you all do it), or just simply having a friend. (Though, peeing in the shower rates above friendship).

Thursday, May 03, 2007

World's greatest inventions

Though some people might think the wheel or pen or some other totally random item is worthy of the world's greatest invention title, clearly they have a cup of dirt for a brain.

Been musing this for a while, and it is clearly evident to me that we all should be in humble awe of the elevator
How cool is it? It goes up. It goes down. It saves you walking up the stairs. Its way cool. And for the skeptics out there, where would the empire state building be without and elevator? Would you have a penthouse or live on the top floor? No. The elevator has revolutionised the world. It is clearly under-appreciated and deserves more credit.

To find out more about the elevator go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elevator

In other news - how fab-o is the word "Orange". It is was it says - its the colour, the fruit - it even feels orange - its a word that has it all. If I was a word, I'd be orange.

Though, tomorrow I'd be something else.